Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Charlie and I have been chilling today - he because he is a cat and me because I am tired.  Jax has been at day care today which has given me some extra cuddle time with Charlie.  In between cuddles, I've been going through images and culling, editing, tweaking.  I like the process of editing my images as it allows me to relive the moments.  

All members of our little photo group have arrived home safely and talk is already happening about doing something next fall or spring.  I've had the pleasure of traveling and shooting with Suzanne and Wendy many times so it was certain that we'd plan another trip together.  The other two photographers on our trip, Beth and Jeff, were great to travel with and I think I can safely say we all enjoyed each other's company.

To everyone who stopped by to join me in my little adventure in Texas, thank you.  And especially for all the love on my Harris Hawk and the lovely Pyrrhuloxia, both of which made it to the Popular Page.  Muchas gracias!

Time to go pick up the brindle boy.  He was so excited to see me last night - it took him forever to settle down and go to bed!  


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