A wonderful surprise!
Due to other commitments I didn't manage to even consider my Blip until mid afternoon. I then bribed persuaded my husband to come to my favourite butterfly meadow with me up on the downs with the intention of taking some shots of the rare wild flowers that grow there.
Well that was my intention.......but when I got there I found so many beautiful butterflies I was mesmerised!
There were, Painted ladies, Red Admirals, Commas, Peacocks, Large whites, Small whites, Green veined Whites, Marbled Whites, Ringlets. Small Skippers, Large Skippers, Chalkhill blues, Common blues, Gatekeepers, Meadow browns, a dark green fritillary and..........this absolutely beautiful Clouded Yellow!!!
The Clouded Yellow is an immigrant, and turns up in small numbers on the south downs each year. Personally I have only seen it once before and that was in the same meadow in 2011. That time I only got a few shots this time I got loads, including some of it's face from about 2 inches using the 20mm extension tube! and this shot taken with the late afternoon sun behind enhancing the yellow in the wings.
I feel this meadow is my 'Heaven on earth' sooo beautiful!
On another note I am off to Norfolk to chill for 3 days tomorrow and won't be able to blip or comment so happy blipping in my absence and catch you when I get back!
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