There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

No More Criminal Minds for You Tonight!

We were in the midst of our latest winter storm, which was bringing us snow and sleet and freezing rain. It does this a couple of times a week. It doesn't snow a lot, mind you, just enough to make the roads slippery and give the plow guy a reason to scrape scrape scrape the roads LOUDLY at about 4 or 5 a.m.

My husband and I were watching Criminal Minds, which airs on a channel called ION Mystery. They show old episodes all day starting at either 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. We were deep in the midst of rehashing season 11 ("we need to deliver the profile"; "the unsub is devolving!"), when the channel suddenly went off the air.

Then the screen was filled with a colorful message explaining to us, for the first time ever, that our TV channel had been stolen from us by the winter storm. It was something we had not seen before and I thought it looked a bit like some sort of abstract image I might make myself, so I snapped a photo. Here it is.

Well, we switched over to episodes of the X-Files on Comet, and that's how we finished out our night. And as the snow fell, and the sleet sleeted, and the freezing rain came down, we were grateful for a warm, snug house to give us shelter from the storm.

Our soundtrack song is Bob Dylan, with Shelter From the Storm.

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