How to spend a wet Sunday afternoon

Cathaber read a book. I made Catatonic Kitty. A friend gave the kit to me on my birthday back in Jan, and I spent a happy afternoon making the model. It's an automaton. You crank the handle and the mice bob in and out of the holes, the cat's eyes flick from one to the other and his tail twitches. And all out of four A4 sheets of thin card, plus a craft knife and a bit of glue. Took me back to childhood!
Very clever bit of cardboard engineering. Cams and such like on a hexagonal shaft, giving positive synchronisation.
If you want want to make one, search for cool4cats.
Meanwhile, the new Doctor Who has emerged. As I could have predicted, it is someone I have never heard of. Could be good, could be dreadful. Time will tell.

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