
By Happyme

Interesting tree shapes.

I spotted these trees on my morning walk today. I thought they were quite interesting. I'm determined to walk regardless of the weather. Today it was yet again, grey, sleety, windy and cold. I wrapped up well in thermals and waterproofs but on the way back home, which is mostly uphill I was uncomfortably warm! I will be so pleased when it's a bit more pleasant and I can wear less layers!
This afternoon I sifted through recipe books and a food remedy book to get some inspiration for some feel good, healthy vegetarian food. I feel I'm lacking in my protein intake and want to rectify that. I want some new ideas to make lentils and beans etc more interesting and exciting. I love a salad but want to make those more interesting too!
I had second walk this afternoon round the village with Reg. At least that one was dry!

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