My Best Efforts - Year 3


Just Before the Rain Came.........

............I took this image of the last flush of Lilies - you will see that a lot of the petals have already fallen - so I think that if the rain continues, there will be few left tomorrow.
I got into the garden about 11 a.m. like yesterday - managed to do a bit more tidying up then, just like yesterday, it started to rain about 2.30.p.m. so that was that.
I have a very elderly neighbour who, sadly, although she is very fit physically, is rapidly losing her memory and she has been over twice today - once to find out what day it was and secondly as she couldn't make her phone work. She was pressing the mute button instead of the connect button! Each time involved a cup of coffee so I rather wondered if I was ever going to upload my picture - anyway, she left at 7.15pm so here we are - better late than never!

The weather has been lovely both yesterday and today until about 2.30pm and then has started to rain - reached 70 deg. F. on both days and even now, in the rain, it is 67Deg.

Have a good week everyone.

Larger is quite good - sooc except for crop.

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