
By Cumbrialass

How much?

No this isnt our car. It was parked alongside us in the M&S carpark in between Aldi and Gregg's. Whoever owns it was in one of those stores. 
My eye was attracted by the satin finish paintwork and the carbon fibre bumpers.

M and I had a guess at the cost and then Googled it.  
For one of the same year which had done just 85 miles they were asking £290,000 ! !

We sat in the car for a while speculating who the driver might be but we never found out. 

It is a Lamborghini Ulrus. The website describes as an SUV which will "go on any  terrain from track to sand , ice , gravel,or rocks" If it it had been mine I would have put cones all around it in the car park for fear of someone getting too near it and scratching it. As for going "off road".. no way. 
I'll stick to our 10 year old RAV

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