Back from Betty's
Fed up of this gloom hanging over us at the moment but I'm taking it easy and recovering some sleep which is no bad thing. I had booked in with Auntie Betty this afternoon so decided to walk to her house to get some exercise. I haven't seen her in a while as she has cancer and can't socialise when she is going through the treatment. She is quite remarkable and does not let anything stop her. She is my Mum's younger sister by ten years and so today I took some of Mum and Dad's photos with me and we had an enjoyable couple of hours with her filling in some names and stories from Mum and Dad's wedding photos.
I decided to walk home a slightly longer route to avoid the main road down into Bingley, so I worked my way downhill via various ginnels, pausing at Five Rise Locks to blip them from top and bottom. The Top view has uploaded to BBC Weatherwatchers but I've opted for this one from the bottom because the cyclist zoomed down the hill as I prepared to blip. Some years ago two friends and I cycled this route along the canal and we passed two teenagers who had got off their bikes and were pushing them up the very steep hill. We were cream crackered when we reached the top but it was a fist pumping moment!
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