Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


I haven't been to Gouda since Little Man went to his friend's birthday party on November 9th, due to the fact that that we haven't had a reason to go. Often when we need to do any shopping, we'll go to Woerden, and if we want to go further a field, we'll go to Utrecht.

I had an appointment on the outskirts of Gouda this morning, so I organised a play date for Little Man as I couldn't take him with me. He loved it. He's a very social little boy, so I'm glad that we have friends living in the area who can help.

This afternoon was spent at home. I did some cleaning and put some laundry in the tumble dryer. I have the ladies from my life group meeting at my place tonight (all the men in the church are expected to attend a serperate meeting). The good thing is I already have some biscuits at home, so I didn't need to buy any whilst I was out this morning. I just need to set everything up after Little Man goes to bed. I don't want him to walk off with anything.

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