
By lassoothemoon


So now we know the identity of the next Dr Who. I am delighted it is Peter Capaldi and am just picturing the Time Lord played in the style of that great – and hideous - comic creation Malcolm Tucker ;)

But this has absolutely nothing to do with today’s blip! Today was one of those days where I just let my feet take me wherever they went. I took in a few small exhibitions, including the travel photography one at The Royal Geographical Society.

After a very agreeable coffee in the garden of the RGS, I exited to the sound of shouting, which I traced to the nearby UAE Embassy. Outside the embassy there was a good-natured pro-democracy demonstration. So …. today’s blip is of a group of women outside the embassy. The one in the sunnies was the ringleader ;)

Blipping has been difficult of late. But I have been looking at journals, commenting when I can and scattering some stars and hearts. Will try to do better. Honest.

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