An Annual February Treat!
Tonight, the senior adults attended our annual February banquet which is different from our 55+ monthly activities because we bring nothing for the banquet. The church provides us a nice meal which is served to us by the youth group who are all dressed like fine dining waitstaff. They circulate among the beautifully decorated tables to bring us everything we need during our meal which ends with a delicious dessert. The entertainment for the evening is provided by a mixed ensemble group from Temple High School called Polyfoniks which is joined by a group called Encore. They sing a mix of show tunes and other music. We are privileged to get to hear them every year, because they are directed by the son of our own music director at FBC and he makes sure to get our bid in for the February banquet. It was a wonderful program tonight, as always and the only things we were encouraged to do were to enjoy the program and each other and to leave a little love offering for the entertainers.......
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