Training Tuesday
Today has been a productive day.
It started off well, I undertook this e-certificate on the Scottish Drugs Forum website (four online lessons) and got my certificate, I was delighted to score full marks, 100% :)
I commenced their free e-courses in the summer of 2023 as a pain distraction tool and eager to get back to them after a long break, they are wonderful courses and resources.
I’m booked into do some more as and when I can over the next few months. Winter is good for study based hobbies!
Late this afternoon, I managed a shower. A shower feels like a mountain to the chronically ill. My fibromyalgia has been flared up so I am really proud of myself for pushing my brain through the intense chronic pain and fatigue to achieve the certificate.
I went to the supermarket in the afternoon and had to leave without my couple of items as I took another spasm - mostly in my upper body.
I ended up leaving my items in the basket and walking out empty handed as I felt incredibly dizzy and weak. I sat down and then headed back home which was a struggle. It was bitterly cold and windy which didn’t help matters.
These additional spasms have been going on for about eighteen months in addition to my usual fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility symptoms and they are incredibly debilitating and frustrating.
I am seeing the doctor tomorrow, I spoke to her yesterday on the phone and she booked me in her diary. My foot is still tender so would like it checked out.
Tonight, I did some Duolingo to chill. I am back on Day 3 of a learning streak due to health and life getting in the way.
I did some Ukrainian and started Unit 1 of Welsh. I am looking forward to learning the language as I only know a few words in Welsh and can sing one Welsh song, I taught myself it a couple of years ago.
My paternal grandfather was Welsh so I am a quarter Welsh.
Thanks for all your kind comments, stars and hearts, I will play journal catch up between this evening and tomorrow :)
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