
By Bom

Deer Fencing

My trip to Ely today for five of us to meet up for lunch was cancelled yesterday as two had winter bugs. We’re not having much luck as it was originally a Xmas  lunch which was postponed as one person was called for jury service. This meant I could make the meeting with Greshams and the fencing contractor about the fencing between my fence and my neighbour’s fence at the back of the gravel still owned by the original builder. The Estates Manager started by telling me what they will be putting the deer fence (as above) behind the existing 3ft wire fence, but I managed to turn it round to a conversation about the practicalities of maintaining my fence, things like fallen leaves getting trapped between the two fences and improving my privacy. I persuaded him to consider asking the original builders if the wire fence could be removed and have provided him with the contact details he needs and have told the builders I’ve done this and why. If that works they’ll leave the small concrete posts to mark the boundary, remove the existing wire fencing, put the fencing above directly from my fence to my neighbour’s fence, will plant hedging behind the fence to improve my privacy and will also maintain my existing fence on their side. How much easier things are when you just have a conversation!!! Then this afternoon I had a lovely long FaceTime call with my friend T. 

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