Saying goodbye

Soon to be chopped down.

This grand old English Oak has stood here and rooted itself long before even I was born.
And I am old.
This area was not part of a town or city, then.

Now it has become a danger and as is evident, has been trimmed about ten years ago.
Once trimmed, it loses its glory and original beauty and never regains its former majesty.

What a pity that we interfered with nature.
We build houses and erect businesses without really considering the effects on the ecology.

Little choice is to be had, since apart from the branches extending over our house's roof, the bark is not in a good state of health which spells disaster, sooner or later.
Johann pains at the path we have to follow - he is not a person that likes to remove or to uproot.

Recently other oaks in our area have submitted to the chopper's axe, probably for the same reason.

A pity that not more thought goes into the location where trees are planted, or businesses and residential areas are developed - apart from being a costly affair to rectify, there is also much emotion involved.

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