This lovely dog has successfully retrieved a ball through by her owner. The owner is a few yards to the left with said ball and about to re-throw it using one of those 'sling things.' My doggie friend is attentive, but sad looking as if the game is no longer. Notice the tongue poking out too. This was taken at Hall Park and the small stream (beck.) She needn't have worried, the ball was thrown, landed in the stream further up, off she darted creating a large splash. Great to see. You can't have an upset dog.
A group of camera club members are travelling to Edinburgh tomorrow-a long day is expected. If any of my photos 'pass inspection' I'll share them with you.
My physio has loaned me a TNS machine and I'm currently receiving electrical pulses to ease the aches. Maybe if someone throws a ball I would beat the dog, ha! ha!
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