
By AnnieBelle

The green grocer (cicada)

The subtheme for tiny Tuesday is something for Valentine's Day. I've never been big on it, but there is love and I love all the critters, great and small. Small wins today.

The cicadas have been deafening this year but I've barely seen one. The Resident Gardener found me this one and brought it to me in a paper bag and although alive, it remained still as I snapped. When done the RG freed it to a safe place in the garden. 

The three dots between its compound eyes are occuli - a second set of primitive eyes that are sensitive to light.

The total life cycle of a cicada is 6-7 years from egg to adult. For most of this time it is an underground dwelling nymph, drinking sap from plant roots before emerging as an adult that lives for six weeks during which it mates and breeds in the summer. Making hay while the sun shines, so to speak. 

Happy Valentine's season for all who celebrate it. Thanks for hosting Cathy. 

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