Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day ...................... to apply

When we went to France last year, our passports only just had the required length of time on them, until they expired.  Nevertheless, I was convinced that things would go pear-shaped when we went through customs and we would end up, locked in some French jail for the duration!?

As it happened, we had no trouble at all - and were waved through the barriers both here and in France without a backward glance.  But, of course now, the passports have actually run out and if we intend to travel abroad in the future, we will need to get them replaced.  Remembering the complicated palaver when we initially applied for a passport, I suppose I've been putting it off, despite being told by a few people that it was now very easy and you could do it all online.

Well, today I applied myself to the task - and you know what, it is indeed very easy to do?  You can now take your own picture even, and upload it at the appropriate point.  That's me above, looking a bit severe - but then, you're not allowed to smile - even if you're feeling quite pleased with yourself .....................!     

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