Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Kitchen Cupboard

TMLHereandThere and I were talking about such exciting subjects as dishwashers v. washing up bowls and the contents of kitchen cupboards recently so, as I spent fourteen hours in A & E overnight and am trying to keep my eyes open, the nearest I have come to a blip on this cold, gloomy, dank day is to open our baking cupboard.  Voila!

If you want to join our unexpurgated kitchen cupboard blip challenge, please tag your blips kitchenfoodcupboard

Thankfully, our elderly neighbour is now recovering from her nasty fall yesterday although she is shaken and very tired.  We couldn't fault the care given by all of the staff we met on her journey, but because they are so stripped to the bone, everything took longer than necessary.  It was four hours to wait till the initial ambulance arrived then they stayed around until just before the specialist paramedic came who called a second ambulance.  We finally left here about 7.30 and initially sat in triage, which was thankfully empty, till a cubicle came available.  Then it was a sleepless night with M having her blood pressure taken every hour and the usual disturbances from ill, drunken, upset patients and the beeping of monitors and crashing and bashing of trolleys and staff and equipment.  Still we came through and were finally signed off at 9am, nearly twenty four hours after M's fall.

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