A Day of Many Parts
Some of the morning was taken up with retrieving some things of ours from Dot’s attic. She’d kindly been storing them for us since when we started renting out our flat long term a few years ago. One surprise was a large painting, which we thought we’d left in the flat! I see many blips in Barcelona of our finding places (or not!) for all these things we’re taking back.
Next, we had coffee at Ruth and Karen’s house, round the corner. They’re close friends of Dot’s and we’d met them in Roses a few years ago when Dot hosted there, and we joined in for a weekend.
Then off for a fish lunch to The White Horse on The Royal Mile, where we were joined by Ann C, who we discovered was in Edinburgh from Inverness for the rugby. Her husband Alistair also joined us for a wee while.
We walked out and up The Royal Mile and stopped for a drink in The Blue Blazer. I was flagging by this time, but we had a couple of fun and interesting conversations with strangers who joined our table. The podcast ‘Strangers on a Bench’ came to mind! A bus back to Dot’s (can’t remember the last time we were on an Edinburgh bus!) and more chat, cheese, biscuits and bed. Phew!
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