Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Beep Beep

There is nothing more emblematic of the southwestern US than the iconic Greater Roadrunner so to say we were all thrilled when this big guy (or gal) rocked up in front of the hide would be an understatement.  Shutters were ablaze and I'm sure we all got pretty much the same shots, which didn't lessen the thrill for anyone.  In this image, the roadrunner was dispatching a bee which he'd snatched out of the air.  The bee appears to be the classic honeybee, which gives you an idea of the size of the roadrunner.  

Our morning was spent photographing Green Jays, Kiskadees, cardinals and even javelina (a smallish pig-like creature native to this part of the US.). Lots of fun, to say the least.  

Tomorrow morning we get to "sleep in" as we don't meet for breakfast until 6:30 am.  And then, if is off to the raptor blind where we can expect to see Harris Hawks, caracara and vultures.  Only 2 days left!  

Adios from TX


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