It's a hard life being a baby

Hi it's Millie on my daddy's blipfoto journal. It's a hard life being a baby, you sleep, you drink, you poop and look generally look cute all the time, especially when daddy is constantly putting a camera in my face! But it's something I'm getting used to. Daddy put the hoover on and I didn't even flinch and last night I went to sleep at 10pm and i slept all night waking up at 5:45am, I'm nice like that ;) any way time to sleep some more now but you'll be hearing from me at some point in the future :)

Hi it's rob, today is the last day of my 1st week of my paternity leave (boo hoo) but I'm not gonna get all glum and self pity but instead look forward to seeing my awesome family at the end of the day :)

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