
By Lsquare

A Plot Twist!

Winter has dropped in on us again for a few days, so we gathered at FBC under overcast skies and windy chilly temperatures to worship and praise God Who holds all things in His hands.  We began our service lifting up a congregational song to begin to prepare our hearts.  Pastor Wes gave the welcome, followed by the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists who presented a worshipful rendition of the song, "Holy Forever".  The congregation joined in a few more songs of praise, before Pastor Wes directed our attention to the end of Ephesians 5, where Paul reveals that all the teaching he has been doing about the church body, and the relationship of the husbands and wives applies not only to them, but to the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church.  He talked about how the church is subject to the leadership of Christ as a wife is to be in relation to her husband.  But he went into even greater detail about the sacrificial love that Christ had for His church, which includes all of us who have trusted Jesus  to pay our sin debt on the cross.  He loved us so much He gave his life in a painful, humiliating way so that we could be cleansed from our sin and sanctified to join Him someday in Heaven for eternity.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about all this which you can see and hear in the Live-stream.  If you pay attention, you might figure out why I  included the shot of his hands in the collage!  At the end of our service, we celebrated the Lord's Supper in memory and honor of Christ's sacrifice on the cross........

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