An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A visit to Fundee!

Or Dundee to give it its proper name :-))

Agnes mentioned yesterday that despite going to Dundee fairly regularly for work purposes, she's never been to the V&A, so we decided to head there today.

D & A spent the morning at the driving range. Agnes and I had a lazy morning over breakfast and chatting before we all headed to Dundee and arrived at the V&A in time for lunch.  I had a very lovely bowl of sweet potato soup and a seeded roll with cranberry, brie and rocket.  

Adrian and David decided they'd rather go to the Discovery Adventure and headed there.  Agnes and I started with the Dundee Tapestry.  Wow, they are amazing.  Such intricate work and and amazing history of Dundee.  I felt quite emotional viewing some of the tapestries.

From there we visited Gallery No2 to view A Fragile Correspondence.  A fascinating and thought provoking exhibition.  Finally we spent time in the Scottish Design Galleries, which I've seen before but always enjoy and find utterly fascinating.

We were just heading out of the Museum when we met D & A heading inside to find us.  Good timing.  They had thoroughly enjoyed their time in the Discovery visitor centre and on the ship.  A great afternoon :-)

Headed back to the holiday cottage via Tesco to pick up dinner for this evening.

We were very organised and quickly packed before dinner, so we could relax and enjoy our last evening.  The week has gone in so quickly.  We've had a wonderfully relaxing time and the tv hasn't been on at all!  None of us missed it!

Will be sad to leave this lovely cottage tomorrow.

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