
By JeanSnaps


It's not been the best week.  I've had an upset tum and my car has failed it's MOT so I've been stuck in the house eating very little and taking over the counter medications. I had intended to go to the doctor on Friday if I wasn't recovered but I'd left the car at Alans so had no transport.  However, fortunately things improved on Saturday and, today, fingers crossed, I seem to be on the mend. The bad news was on Friday when Alan told me repairs to my car would cost about £1,000. I was in no condition to make a decision about keeping it or getting a new car but went for it being repaired. I think that's the right choice.  I'll trade it in in the summer I think. Today's been a bring the washing up to date day and a chat on the phone with Linda.  Margaret's car is being MOT'd on Tuesday so if we're all roadworthy we'll meet up on Wednesday.

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