
By TheOttawacker

Hello? I'd like to report a murder...

Of crows, that is, of course, spotted here in Blackburn Hamlet.
Having spent the night in the basement bedroom (I haven’t been sleeping well, and it always seems unfair to subject Mrs. Ottawacker to restlessness as well as snoring), I somehow managed to get a good night’s sleep. So good, in fact, that I missed Ottawacker Jr.’s going to school AND the loud noises being made in the kitchen to rouse me so I could drive Mrs. Ottawacker to her appointment. They let me sleep, which was most welcome.
This was a quiet day, with small bits of writing, small bits of laundry, a few chores. Then I cooked ribs for dinner, and we sat and ate contentedly, while watching our traditional Friday night movie. Sometimes, the small things in life really are the best.

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