
By Marionb

Out and About

(NB: I am back-blipping again - I just can't seem to get a handle on this daily thing)

Well, what a change for me. I actually put in a full day like normal people do!  Left the house in mid morning and didn't return until late afternoon! 
A red letter day..

I had to erase my old iPhone and get it to a delivery service who would then return it to my phone company. Well, that turned out to be a bit more complicated than expected - the returning not the erasing! Seems that I not been given the sticker number for "Dangerous Goods" by the phone company and the delivery clerk did not know what it is for mobile phones (?) so with a bit of detective work  - by moi - like a phone call? - the issue was solved. Geez. This is one thing I am now remembering about normal life...nothing is as easy as you think it will be. 

Then I was off to the travel agency to get my photo taken for my passport renewal  - I am determined that I will still need one, and being optimistic, I will renew it for the full ten years!  The agent who booked the flight and car rental for my doomed trip to the UK happened to be in house, so that errand turned out to include a lovely unexpected social encounter. Being out and about doing errands can be more fun than you think!

As the travel agency is in the vicinity of my friend Noreen's house, I dropped by for a visit; she had "hurt her foot" a week ago and it was still so painful she would not be joining Donna and me for lunch next week. Well, she showed me her foot and yikes! There was no question that she should see a doctor! (which she did the next day - remember, I am back-blipping - and yes, it was broken!) 

Before heading off to my Physio appointment, I treated myself to an Eggs Benedict "lunch" at a local chain restaurant (above) that fortuitously happens to be a Canadian company (!) that I can continue to patronize post tariffs! Yum. (Took a photo thinking it would be a change from my usual bird, beach or cat ones) 

My physio appointment was really just a wrap-up visit as I am, as of today, discharged, but I will still try to continue those awful stretching and strength exercises without the  incentive of having to report back regularly to show that I have indeed done them! Hmm... what are the chances? 

And to wrap up my big day out, I went down to the lake for a wee walk,  but it was so cold and icy that I did not stay long! I did, however, manage to get some bracing fresh air and of course, some photos. (extra)


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