
By rflxn

What a difference a nice encounter and succesful photo makes after a rubbish day.

Got the chance to apply the wisdom passed on to me by Brooks Jensen (LensWork) earlier today: 

"Years ago, I had the opportunity to interview the late Morrie Camhi. From him, I learned a great trick. He advised me to photograph not just people, but to photograph gestures. He leated a story about a tobacco merchant who had explain the difference between good tobacco and bad tobacco. When Morrie tried to make his portrait, the merchant stood stock still with and expressionless visage. Morrie purposely confused which of the tobaccos was the good tobacco and that animated the merchant — at which moment Morrie made a great portrait capturing his gesture. I remembered this story from Morrie and started a conversation with this fellow (through my translator) that fired him up to gesture toward me. CLICK! I think of Morrie every time I'm making a portrait: Don't photograph how someone appears, photograph their gestures and how they move."

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