
By 58jc


I normally make the cake for OH to take to football to share with No.2 at half time.  This time H made lovely blueberry muffins.  I think I may have been replaced?

My day was ok - no photos.  I went to Junct.8 and wondered why on a weekend.  I also went to Curry's as I had decided to get an air fryer.  I was going to get a single drawer one, try it out for a week and then give it to No.2 who wants one for his studio.  However the one I wanted was on the shelf but out of stock?  Annoying waste of time.  Will order on line instead.

I watched the third Bridget Jones film which I had not seen for some reason as I wanted to see it ahead of the new release.  Mad when there is so much viewing on all the streaming platforms, this was not available and had to pay £3.50 to view!!  Oh well.

Day done.  3/10 sort of day.

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