
By JennyOwen

Here's looking at you, kid

Ruth, as ever, is desperate to catch up with MA work at the weekends. She's also anaemic at the moment, and just hasn't really got the energy for everything that she needs to do (she has seen her GP about this and is getting treatment).
So to help out a bit, Eben spent the afternoon with us while Luca went to a friend's birthday party.
We had a nice, relaxed time: we played 4 games of Mahjong (satisfyingly, we won two each, and I wasn't giving him an easy time). It's fun to watch Eben working out what strategies to use in this new arena.  E also helped Richard to set up an outdoor thermometer, a long-ago present from a friend that we'd never got round to using before.  Then he watched some TV with Richard and I baked a chestnut and chocolate cake - needless to say, a large chunk of this went home with E.
Good times.

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