Putting the House Back Together Again.

I had a long busy day. It was a early start picking my oldest son then going over my other son's place on the other side of the city. He drove us over to Akaroa. Just as well he filled his car up with all the bedding yesterday, which saved time. 

I was a bit disappointed with the carpet. They didn't do a very good job with the join. Also they put the other piece of carpet the wrong way around, which makes it look a different colour. The colour it's self is slightly different from what I chose. It is more grey which is what I wanted. The lino looks very good. 

In the main bedroom the drapes people didn't put up the venetian blind on the small window which is the most important one as you can see the neighbours. Non of the other windows you can't see any neighbours. I looked up the paperwork and it was listed to be done and I have paid for it.

The collage is off my garden and where we stopped for a hamburger on the way home after all the work my sons did with moving everything back into the house again. I did a lot of cleaning of mould. The dining room chairs are beyond cleaning, because of the mould.

I didn't have a very good nights sleep last night. Yesterday I had a bad headache all day because of my sinuses. Then over night I woke up around 4am with a really sick and my headache was worse. I think I must have had a Migraine. I couldn't have driven over to Akaroa today because of it. I feel so bad I had to take a anti-sickness tablet before leaving home. 

I will try and catch up with your blips when I can.

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