Shut out!

The two girls were not that amused at being shut outside while I cleaned the porch … no matter, they survived and the porch finally had a good clean. And the fairy lights secured with u pins, and the bathroom floor scrubbed, and the plugs for the outdoor fairy lights color coded painted to make matching them up easier.

The day started with walking the dogs then making pancakes for mom and Stewart (and myself). Mom said she had been up a lot last night so was pretty tired. Both seems much perkier after eating.
I finally got home about 3pm. Sat and crocheted for a while.
Went to walk the dogs and found mom feeling unwell. Got her into bed and cleaned up. Then got dinner for Cathie and myself.
Cathie is still not well. This chest infection has really floored her.
Sitting relaxing after dinner, mom called to say she had been sick and could I go and help her. She was sleeping again by the time I got there and she didn’t remember calling me! Anyway…cleaned up and sat in the livingroom for a bit and fully appreciated playing music on the google hub! Bruce Springsteen was perfect for late night listening (while I tried to comb Jodie!)
12:30 decided to go home. Home…only to discover I’d left my phone at mom’s! So…..

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