
By Birgit

To the museum

The Ballerina Clown by Jonathan Borofsky seems to me a fitting blip for this milestone in the blip field. 

 Today we went to the Ludwig Forum in Aachen. The museum is located in an old umbrella building. It is a beautiful building in Bauhaus style.
We didn't see on the site we visited prior to our visit that the building was almost empty due to redevelopment, but it didn't matter to us, because we admired the building from the outside as well as the inside and also works from for example the former Soviet Union. We don't see that often and it is very interesting to discover.

After the museum visit we had lunch in Mayersche and I searched for a nice book. Mayersche is the big bookstore in Aachen. I gave up the searching purely because of oversupply.
It didn't matter. I buy books faster than I read them :-D..

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