Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A rainy evening.

The Feast Day of Saint Jerome Emiliani. He was born in 1481. He is the Patron Saint of orphans and abandoned children. He was also a soldier for a span of time.
He led a life devoted to God and good deeds but sadly died from plague.

This Saturday it has been pleasant enough with one short walk to Best One shop to purchase our I weekend newspaper.
Then, as it was very cold, 4c in the morning and not much warmer as the day progressed, I found plenty to occupy myself indoors.
The garden birds are getting used to not having their bird table. They are eating from the new seed and mealworm feeders.
I did some washing.
I cared for the cats. Holly climbed the Oak tree.
I watched Holy Mass from St Marie's in Sheffield. Fr, Henry gave a holy, well focused sermon on the theme of today's Gospel. It takes determination to keep a time and space for celebrating Holy Mass, even online, in a world with temptations and distractions.
Maria our daughter is going to visit us on Sunday.
I listened to a few excellent sermons by C S Lewis. There is always so much to learn, study and reflect upon. YouTube really is a marvellous blessing.
The rain started about 3 hours ago. The time has gone fast, it would seem today.
I hope you enjoyed a pleasant Saturday blip friends.
Take care and thank you very much for your kind stars yesterday.

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