living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


The photo challenge subject today was "mess." And it wasn't difficult as we pretty much always live in a state of one sort of mess or another. This isn't an ordinary mess, either. This is the mess we left when going away for the weekend. I know you are supposed to tidy before you go away, and we did, sort of- but there is some quote somewhere that says cleaning your house when there are children in it is like brushing your teeth and eating oreos at the same time. It's true! I clean up a pile of toys and when I've moved on to somewhere else the pile has been upended in less than a minute! Well, that's the excuse I use anyway...

P.S. This is probably the cleanest corner.

P.P.S. I actually think leaving the house a mess is really good, as if anyone comes to rob the place they will think it's already been done!

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