
By LadyFindhorn

New Washing Machine

The message came from John Lewis that my washing machine would be delivered between 13.11 and 15.11 pm. Why on earth do they decide to add these odd minutes? Why not just say between 13.00 and 15.00? The Royal Mail use the same kind of time accuracy which has no bearing on reality.
I think it was nearer 1.30 pm when the men arrived and it was all done and dusted half an hour later. In the interval of removing the old machine and bring in the new one, I had time to sweep away 15 years of dust and filth lying in the empty space.
 I’ve done my first wash but it all seems very strange and I have to keep looking up the manual to see what all the flashing signs mean, and this is the simple idiot’s model.

I had time in the morning to walk into town for a solo coffee and walk home up a High Street that was almost as mobbed as during the Festival except there were no performers pedalling their shows in the middle of the road. Hordes of people milling about in groups listening to tourist guides talking in tongues at 10.30am. I think many of them were rugby enthusiasts thinking it was a great idea to come to Edinburgh and watch their team slaughter the Scottish team tomorrow at Murrayfield.

It’s strange that the time I most miss having my brother still alive is on the rugby international days. Having lived near Bath for over 40years he felt obliged to support England against all teams with the exception of  Scotland and he so wanted Scotland to win against all of the others teams. He was more often disappointed than not but if we won against England, I swear I could hear him yelling from here.

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