
By Instography


After the (now) usual morning run to the shop for the paper (and biscuits) today's peak excitement was to partially de-ice and reorganise the freezer. Could it get better? Why, yes, it could. There's light in the sky and weeds starting to pop up in the vegetable beds and that sort of thing needs to be, quite literally, nipped in the bud. 

Bed 1 needed significant weeding which uncovered some lost garlic that has pushed its way through the cardboard and is making good progress. Looks like six or seven individual bulbs and one whole head that didn't get harvested last year. I'll work around them and let them grow. 

Bed 2 had some big kale plants that I'd left in for the pigeons to eat and they've done a pretty good job of stripping the leaves so the stalks got hauled out and binned. The chard that nobody eats was also hoiked out. After the rosemary and thyme got a good trim. The whole bed was layered with cardboard and covered in compost.

Bed 3 was pretty bare but the young weeds got pulled out. And finally, there's still pots with spuds. So a few of those got emptied, separating and binning the ones that have been frozen.

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