
By Majoayee

High 5! Celebrating !!!

My  4000th  blip and Woodys' 128th 

Woody doesn't see why I shouldn't count his blips too!  He pointed out that we had missed his 100th blip!

I counted  twice!  So many Woody blips!!!!

We would both like to say how much this community means to us and thank you all for all your wonderful comments, especially as most of us live pretty full lives!  A big thank you too to those who in the background run the site and do it so smoothly that we don't even realise it is being done!  Never a glitch!  Thank you!

Another big thank you to Joe Tree who started it all, all those years ago!  Thank you!

Also a big thank you to those who run challenges.  They are wonderful and for the time they spend thinking them up and awarding hearts to the best entries!  Not an easy job as there are always so many good ones!

Love you all!


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