Aaargghhh - blinkin' typical, yesterday just as I was get very close towards the end of the Lego Camera Build, one piece would quite fit so I must then have pushed a little too hard and the whole thing collapsed - as above!!! I just left it exactly where it was on the dining table. I may get to trying to rescue it after I've answered your blips, or I may give up, depends on how I feel!!!
Other than that all is going well. Went into town this morning. We park part way down Kents Bank Road so we can then walk down to Thyme Out and back again, getting just a little leg stretch, which I really need right now.
Looks like we're going to have to try and catch the early morning train for our appointment in Lancaster on Monday as there is currently a massive fire right on the main route to the hospital from the M6. Apparently its in the currently being built new student flats right opposite Sainsbury's"!!! So that is going to badly affect traffic. Fingers crossed that the trains are actually running OK on Monday!!!!
They do seem to be forever building loads of new flat complexes for students and local people are being ignored who need to find properties to rent!!!! Just my little rant as this seems to happen everywhere where there are Universerties these days. Why they can't get an equal balance to accommodate both is beyond me!!!
I hope no-one was hurt in this awful fire and that all is well over there.
Do take care everyone and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.
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