
By PeterAllsop


Firstly the photo:

An abstract pattern, the tapestry, texture and randomness of life with love present in a somewhat equally abstract, yet evident way.

Now the philosophy:

I love taking photos, I love watching my sons play sport, I love eating delicious food, I love drinking a beautiful shiraz, I love my friends and family..(maybe not all of them), I love the idea of loving and being loved.. this oft used word (love) is possibly over used without we users truly understanding it... it’s the most ubiquitous of words... expressed as an action, experienced via our senses, it’s a noun, a verb and grammatically even used incorrectly as an adjective. eg: "The Love Shack"

Is love to be avoided or sought or should it be stumbled across and discovered? “Today I’m going to start loving watching the TV news!” Is that possible?

We can love a concept and then when it becomes a reality, our love for the new reality pre existed… dependent upon the new experience, our intensity of love will be lessened or heightened, it may even dissipate .

Can we love the taste of a particular food one day and not the next? Can we fall out of love so easily with things, people , events or concepts

They say it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.. Is this right?

So much written and spoke about love.. do people really know? why do they want to... why does love mean not having to say you're sorry.. would have thought that was a pre requisite!

Is it true that if a man listens to a woman, she is already falling in love with him? If a woman loves having sex with a man, does this mean she is partially in love with him?

I have a theory, as yet unsupported by researched evidence, but this will not stop me from expressing it.. we fall in love with things, people, events etc.. and we fall out of love with those things , people and events for almost the same reason we fell in love with them.

YESTERDAY : I love the way he is so social.

TOMORROW: I hate the way he is too social to pay me any attention!

I have loved writing today’s BLIP…..

DISCLAIMER: These ramblings are of a photographer who is loving a lot lately, its definitely a better way to spend your energy than hating. Although loving too much is also exhausting..

Goodnight BLIP world

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