Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Another fun-filled day of photography, which included visiting not one, but three heron rookeries.  This was taken at the second one we visited (by boat) and features two great blue herons engaged in territorial dispute in mid air.  I think it looks like some sort of fabulous origami although some may see it differently.  This was taken from a ways away and the air had a lot of moisture in it which caused images to be soft, but I think the softness adds a certain appeal to the image.  Usually I like to see lots of feather detail on birds but in this case...I think it works.  One more shot in Extra showing some of the environment.

Great blue herons generally nest in rookeries that can be a just a few breeding pairs or many.  GBH's are the first of our big wading birds to nest so they arrive at the rookeries early and are then followed by the other egrets, herons, spoonbills and often shorebirds.  In a month or so, this rookery will have nests on just about every available surface and the noise of squawking babies and bickering adults will be astonishing.  But right now, the pairs are just starting to get settled in and add sticks to their huge nests with time out to defend the prime spots.

We are heading out to our next location, the Santa Clara Ranch, tomorrow morning with a departure time of 9 am to arrive at noon, just in time for lunch.  I'm enjoying this trip so very much - the group is so cohesive and there is no drama, no gamesmanship.  As always I am learning new things from my fellow photographers as well as our wonderful leader.  And also enjoying the warm temperatures!

adios from TX

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