simple moments

By simplemoments

second chances…

…with a white

amaryllis bloom

for flowerfriday

usually an amaryllis plant - blooms one time - at least for me - generally speaking, so when my - white developed a second - shoot shortly before the - first was ready to die off - i experienced a multitude - of emotions like joy - disbelief, amazement as well as relief - relief because i would be - able to have a second chance - with a plant i never thought - i was even going to have - a first chance with

initially this incredible white - sprouted a shoot and then - nothing happened for weeks - so my thought was that - i’d simply have greens - no blooms at all - and then suddenly buds formed - it took off and the most - gorgeous blossoms formed - then the second shoot - sprouted up very quickly - totally surprising me - with buds forming in rapid - succession and now blooms - are beginning to open - as you can see

flowers are simply miraculous - that’s all there is to it - they are wonders to behold - gifts from abba for us - to enjoy and in turn - lay claim to making it…


happy day…..

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