Railway Magazine
My dad was a railway enthusiast, and so as a boy I was given this hobby too.
Train trips with dad, Uncle Fumble (Clifford) and various others were a recurring theme throughout childhood. We once went to Stonehaven for the day, for £5 each with some offer off boxes of Persil.
Stonehaven was the furthest place you could get to from Stalybridge, and back again on a day return. But that's another story.
I'm reading this tonight because once a month it arrives. It did all the time I was a child, in fact dad had every copy since 1952. But that's another story.
It still arrives because 3 weeks before dad died, one last little joke he played was to renew his subscription for they next 3 years. That was 24 years ago.
A parting gift, a parting joke, but he lives on when our shared enthusiasm continues as I read through the articles.
My name is David, and I like trains.
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