
By Incredibish

Vibrant Viburnum

Yesterday's brilliant sunshine is but a memory, as the weather closes in and then grey morning turns into the wet afternoon. Happily we got a quick walk in before it turned nasty.

The faulty toilet was replaced today, and Janete go to it with the cleaning cloths pre- the final sealing of all the edges on Monday. During this she realised the tilers had left cement debris on the shower tray, and she's been on her hands and knees ever since. Hurray for project photography, as I was able to show I had covered the tray before I painted the ceiling! (Phew!)

This viburnum has really been a blessing this year, and has kept a riot of colour going, from white and now turning pink through red, all through winter. It was once a small bush, but during the build it's grown into quite a shrub and hides the greenhouse from the new dining room window.

I don't know how I feel yet about the UK insisting on opening a back door into Apple's iCloud encryption. 

I don't use it and a while back I realised real digital security didn't exist, so if it's secret, write it down and bury it somewhere safe, like the old pirates did. But it's one thing not using security and another knowing your government wants access through it...

Still, it's nowhere near as concerning as what's going on over the Atlantic, or as we now need to call it, The Western Ocean.

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