Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We bought these little Violas back in the Autumn and Mr. HCB put them, together with some Polyanthus, in pots at the front of the house so that we can see them from our kitchen window and they have been wonderful - and have stood up in the wind and rain and weathered several heavy storms - we could learn a lot from them!

This morning, we had to deliver a Bag of Hope, but when I rang the lady to arrange a time for delivery, discovered that she spoke no English, but only Spanish!  All I know in Spanish is how to order a glass of beer and a cup of coffee with milk so I just said “Text” hoping it might sound vaguely the same in Spanish.  I then looked up on Google Translate how I could tell her we were going to deliver a Bag of Hope and asked when I could do this!  

She responded to me in Spanish so back to Google Translate - how did we manage without it - and then Mr. HCB and I delivered the Bag just after midday.  Interestingly, a lady from Church was visiting us with her daughter soon after my telephone conversation and when I told her the story, she said that she could have helped, because she is fluent in Spanish - what are the chances of that?  

We went to deliver the Bag just after 12 o’clock and this could have been Silly Saturday because when we knocked on the door of the address on the label, a tall English man answered.  I asked him if the Spanish lady was there because we had a Bag of Hope for her and he looked at me as if I was silly - well, of course, you all know the answer to that one!  He kindly pointed us in the direction of a house where a new family had moved in and thankfully it was the right one.  

We had a conversation on the doorstep, but sadly Google Translate wouldn’t work - so there was a lot of gesticulating done, as you can imagine, but all’s well that ends well - and the couple laughed when I, using my best Spanish, said “Un vaso de cerveza y un café con leche”

When we left, I gave them all one of my little wooden hearts and they were all smiling!

It is bitterly cold today so we have decided not to go out this afternoon, as planned, so these little Violas can have their 15 minutes of fame on Blip.

I apologise for not commenting last night, but thank you all very much for your kind comments about the Community Fridge and the work that we all do - they are much appreciated.  I spent most of the evening sleeping - especially as Mr. HCB was watching his team playing football on the television.  Sadly they got “smashed” - his words, not mine but I dare not say “it’s only a game”! 

Have a great weekend.  M xx  

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