Brrr, it was chilly out there this morning with an icy cold wind.
We started at Pickerings Pasture in search of sandpipers, but they were not around today. But we did see both a Jay and Woodpecker which was nice.
Then we popped over for a circuit of Spike Island. Hundreds of pigeons and black headed gulls were the most prolific species around the lock where someone was feeding them. Out on the River Mersey were lots of gulls, quite a few common Shelduck and a lovely Ruddy Shelduck which was what we were hoping to see. Not so common in the UK but there’s been at least one at Spike Island for ages. I didn’t have my camera with me as I didn’t want to carry it in this weather so my blip is a shot of some snowdrops. I’m a bit late to the party as I’ve seen tons of blips with snowdrops :)
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