Here & There

By UncagedKiwi

Safely back in the marina

We headed out this morning, planning on a couple of nights anchoring at Dispute Cove, Kawau, sheltered from the predicted steady East to North East winds. We detoured to the East side of Tiri Tiri Matangi for some fishing along the way. Moderately successful, lots of snapper but only two of size enough to legally keep. Tiri is a wildlife sanctuary island and even from the boat we could hear the saddlebacks and stitch birds calling. And all around us the gannets were diving spectacularly, and petrels and shearwaters keeping us company too. Magical spot.
By 3pm the wind was picking up a bit more than expected, so we decided to pull the anchor and head for our intended overnight spot. However as we headed across the open stretch of water towards Kawau, the sea conditions became a little ugly. We weren’t comfortable with the way things were looking. We did u-turn, back to the marina. A following sea and strong winds meant a good focus on throttle and steering to keep under control.
Just 2 nautical miles out suddenly the power and revs died. Appears the turbo maybe failed?
All good in the end, we limped back to the marina at 6 knots in the comfort of the knowledge that coastguard and the marina dock hands were on standby should the engine fail altogether. Awesome support but not needed as it turned out.
So all’s well that ends well and here we are safely tied up in our berth, a nice dinner and a glass of wine as the sun goes down across the the marina. Not quite the same as spending the night at Dispute Cove, but we are very happy to be here!

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