My day

By 59

Roses are red

I picked a bunch of these a few days age. They last well but have too many thorns to be nice when you are picking and arranging them. They are called Kardinal. 

This morning I went to Orange for a trip with my daughter for an appointment. We both enjoyed the few hours together and had a coffee at a French Bakery in town. I took some paperwork around to the Orthopaedic Surgeon and had a few questions about my appointment there next month.  It is nice to tick things off your To Do list. 

Max has his drivers licence. They sent through the obligatory photo from the office where he collected his P Plates. In Australia they can go for their test after doing a certain amount of hours driving and are 17 years old. Then the requirement is driving at 90 restricted speed for a year and 2 years on Green P Plates after that. They have to use the plates for this time. He bought his first car so is set to be more independent, his parents will be pleased as he can drive himself to school and his work on the weekends. 

A special date in my life…I started nursing training on 7/2/72. Our group was called 7/2/72 so I always remember. I sent messages to 3 friends I started training with 53 years ago. In those days we did 3 years in a hospital. Now it is a degree course at university. I did uni long after I graduated so have those qualifications but can’t work as I cancelled my registration. We used to be called Sister and wear veils. That was good for bad hair days when you could cover it up. I remember it was pretty exciting wearing them when we graduated from the hospital. 

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