
By Farmerboab

Lick it up …..

A bull and his breakfast.
A touch of frost to start with. A morning spent feeding , then building up a creep pen for the last shed of cows and calves now there is room in the silage pit. This allows the calves through to their own area where we can feed them and keep their mothers out.
Was going to spread slurry after lunch but the afternoon went pear shaped when the loader on the John Deere tractor sprung an oil leak. Turns out one of the cylinders on the soft ride had come loose, but it is housed inside the frame of the loader so meant a complete strip down to get at it. Had it fixed by tea time after borrowing a long 27 mm socket from my friendly next door neighbour. By the time I’d put in 4 loads of silage to the cattle and rolled a bale of straw out to feed another lot it was 7 pm.
Don’t know where the time goes.
Roll on bed time …..

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