
By spannarama


It's very unusual to get frost here, but we did this morning, after a very chilly night.  It made for some pretty patterns on the summer house roof.

Incredibly busy day.  I had a meeting this morning, and my appraisal this afternoon - and in between, we had a damp surveyor and his partner come and check our house over.  I ended up having no lunch, as they were ready to give us their verbal report about half an hour before my appraisal - and it was a long report!  I grabbed a pack of oat cakes and a couple of satsumas, shoved them down my face as quick as I could, and then joined the Teams call with Char.  It took a couple of hours - I was absolutely knackered by the end!  All useful stuff though, and good to talk it all through.

The damp survey brought good and bad news - the concrete slab downstairs is surprisingly dry (phew), but it seems that we have soggy insulation in our wall cavities - which would explain the musty smell pervading the house.  It's going to be expensive to sort out (getting the outside of the house clad, among other things), but at least we have a way forward now. 

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