he's a worker for the council, has been 20 years.
There's a chap in our town, who for the past year, at least, has taken to standing by the side of the road, on the beach road into town centre.
Most of the time he is interacting with himself, but he appreciates a wave, and will occassionally respond with a laugh to a passenger seat dance.
He can be there at 6.30 in the morning, and still be standing there at 10 pm at night.
I'm not sure what is going on with him, but the police are aware of him and check in on him. He was there today and appeared to be dancing himself.
I waved and passed on.
Plenty of Glimmers today. I sought them out.
Pebbles on the beach ( to go with the Pebble Book Si bought me), sunlight on the beach. A book reserved at the Library appearing which I have been wanting to read. Good news from the Big Boss. The end is, I believe, and hope, near.
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